
  • Bottles and corks essential to wine storage, wine glass bottles, oak corks and corkscrews

    The use of glass bottles and oak corks to store wine plays a vital role in the development of wine and also brings opportunities for the preservation of collectible wines. Nowadays, opening the cork with a screw corkscrew has become a classic action for opening wine. Today, we will talk about thi...
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  • The market demand for borosilicate glass exceeds 400,000 tons!

    There are many subdivided products of high borosilicate glass. Due to the differences in the production process and technical difficulty of high borosilicate glass in different product fields, the number of enterprises in the industry is different, and their market concentration is different. Hig...
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  • Limited electricity impact, the glass market is mainly wait-and-see

    Total inventory: As of October 14, the total inventory of glass sample companies across the country was 40,141,900 heavy boxes, down 1.36% month-on-month and up 18.96% year-on-year (under the same caliber, the inventory of sample companies decreased by 1.69% month-on-month and increased by 8.59% ...
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  • Glass bottle prices continue to rise, some wine companies have been affected

    Since the beginning of this year, the price of glass has been “higher all the way”, and many industries with high demand for glass have called “unbearable”. Not long ago, some real estate companies said that due to the excessive increase in glass prices, they had to readju...
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  • Green packaging of glass bottles

    Gavin Partington, the director of the organization, announced the results of an experimental survey conducted in cooperation with Australian Vintage and Sainsbury’s at the London International Wine Show meeting. According to a survey conducted by the British Waste and Resources Action Plan (WRAP)...
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  • Glass bottles have a long history and occupy an important position in the packaging market

    There have been glass bottles in our country since ancient times. In the past, academic circles believed that glassware was very rare in ancient times and should only be owned and used by a few ruling classes. However, recent studies believe that ancient glassware is not difficult to produce and ...
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  • Glass bottles are now returning to the mainstream packaging market

    Glass bottles are now returning to the mainstream packaging market. As food, beverage, and wine companies have begun to focus on high-end positioning products, consumers have begun to pay attention to the quality of life, and glass bottles have become the preferred packaging for these manufacture...
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  • Plasticizer to buy spices preferred glass packaging

    A few days ago, Gong Yechang, who was certified as “Executive Director of Beijing Luyao Food Co., Ltd.” on Weibo, broke the news on Weibo, saying, “The content of plasticizer in soy sauce, vinegar, and beverages that we need to eat every day is 400 times that of wine. “. ...
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  • Glass bottle packaging and capping need to take care of two points

    For glass bottle packaging, tinplate caps are often used as the main seal. The tinplate bottle cap is more tightly sealed, which can protect the quality of the packaged product. However, the opening of the tinplate bottle cap is a headache for many people.    In fact, when it is difficult to op...
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  • The glass bottle has good plasticity and presents a variety of packaging effects

    Plastic bottles have always mainly relied on the labeling process in terms of the appearance of the bottle body to further improve the outer packaging of the product. In contrast, glass bottles have a variety of options in the post-modification process, including baking, painting, frosting and ot...
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  • Glass bottles should not only be used for packaging

    Many times, we see a glass bottle simply as a packaging container. However, the field of glass bottle packaging is very wide, such as beverages, food, cosmetics, and medicine. In fact, while the glass bottle is responsible for packaging, it also plays a role in other functions.    Let’s t...
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  • Supply filling equipment production line for customer

    The flowers bloom in the spring and summer, and the golden autumn have more With fruit. Jump as customer-oriented. Through few months of painstaking research and deep understanding of the customer’s factory deployment by the marketing department,  has proposed and formulated different production ...
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